Welcome my friend!

Life all the way give us split messages. To know what path in life to choose can sometimes be a challange. What I wish to do by this blogg, eighter by my writing or/and with the writings of others, is to help people choosing their path in life! You see I've found mine and through what I write, I will to my best effort show you in wich direction it leads me..

By this I then also hope it's possible for you, the reader of this to tag along and mabe even follow the same direction or path as I do! I hope to see your comments here on whatever I write! May you have an extraordinary day!

PS: Pleace also feel free to spread this blogg to everyone that might need to read it.. If you like what you read I would also encourage you to sign up as "follower".

Thursday 6 October 2011

The true family of Jesus

Jesus tells to us that relation by blood don't nessisairly make a family. Mark 3:31-35 tells us what happend Jesus himself when Mary and his other siblings come to visit him. He says; "Who are my mother and my siblings?". Following he tells them that he is already surrounded by his own true family. Jesus sees us all as his brothers and sisters, and he gieves noone anny spesial rights before others.

He further underlines this in John 20:17 where he says "go to my brothers and sisters and tell them that I'm now going to my father and your father, my God and your God. This shows even stronger how Jesus views us all as his siblings. This makes evidence that the most important relation we will share is our relation by faith.  Thereafter we all should call fellow members of faith brother or sister something wich also enhance the collective bonds that tie us together by God.

Jesus in the Romans 8:29 gets' spoken of as "the firstborn among manny siblings", wich shows us that Christianity started by Jesus and confirms to us that the road to God has been layed down only through Jesus. In Hebrews 2:11-12 we get told; So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters". He says: "I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters. I will praise you among your assembled people.

Jesus again and again gets mentioned as our brother paralell to the fact that he is our saviour. He's the one who gives us true life and lives it with us. There are noone that could have done the deeds he have done for us, and even so we are allowed to call him brother!

In Mathew 10:32-39 he tells us about what hapends to the ones that puts blood relation in front of faith in Jesus. "I have come to make dividing lines: Son against father, daughter against mother, and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right there in your own houcehold". "The ones that loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. The ones that find life shall loose it. And the ones who looses their life because of me shall find true life." Again he confirms that earthly bonds of relation is not worth much when it comes to the faith in Jesus, and that we should make sure we don't put these worldly bonds before the bonds of our Lord God and father and our Saviour Jesus Christ, our very own brother!

Wednesday 16 March 2011


If you died today, would you be 100% sure to have a home in HEAVEN??? "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." ( Romans 3:23) We have fallen short of heaven because of our sin. Maybe we are not that sinful compare to others, but big or small, it's still a sin. (Romans 3:12). No one in this world is clean in front of the Lord and the wages of sin is death ( Romans 6:23).

There are two kinds of death; physical and spiritual. We inherit both from Adam and Eve. Their sin brought death to us all. The ultimate responsibility in this must then be placed with Adam. This because of the fact that the woman was made from him, for him and it was then his responsability to tell her otherwise when she tryed to eat the fruit of good and evil! So because of their sin, we in our death would face an eternity in Hell (Revelation 21:8). This of cource unless we find another way to pay for our sins. Then suddenly the fantastic part reveals itself; God in his eternal love for us paid the entire price for us by HIS death on the cross. A Holy and just GOD set the price on sin and in his love he paid the price for sin himself, in the person of CHRIST( Corinthians 15:3). HE bought eternal life for all. JESUS owns and freely gives eternal life ( Romans 6:23,John 6:37). We are saved from the second death by a living SAVIOR. CHRIST is alive today ( Romans 6:9)! He have the power to be victorious over death. Through his sacrifice he offered us the same, as a gift not a reward ( Romans 10:23). Its a promise to everyone. The word "everyone" means me, you and us. It doesn't help if you go to church or say you believe in JESUS. What's important is what we do with our lives. We need to dedicate our lives to him and praise his eternal gift to us! He died, was buried and rose again so that we may believe and live forever. John 1:12 says: "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God". In our generation we are on the verge of all chaos, there is only one hope left. According to the Scriptures, a lot of false prophets will come out to spread the false beliefs( Matthew 7:15). If we believe that JESUS died for our sins and accept HIM as our LORD and Savior. If we REALIZE and ACKNOWLEDGE that there is one TRUE LIVING GOD, if we confess our sin, and live our life as best we can according to his scripture the Holy Bible, then we are 100% sertain to come to heaven.

Friday 11 March 2011

Behind Every Sacrifice

Life as we should embrace it, covers a lot of meanings, importance's and definition. This shown in different levels, perspectives and opinions but LIFE as a whole is a precious gift from GOD.
Regardless of our race, denominations and nationalities, we are all the same in the eyes of the LORD. How great is the love of God? his greatness endures forever! Our lord Jesus Christ suffered horribly for us and he made the ultimate sacrifices in order for us to be saved and redeemed from our sins. As the Lord loved us, we do the same for our families and love ones.

We love them so dearly that we also make sacrifices for them. We leave them behind just to give them the best. We dream, aim and hope that leaving them will in the end grant them success. We carry with us the courage and assurance that our labor will not be in vain, but rather a success story, a hope that our dreams will come true and that our loved ones will achieve what they wish for in life.
To achieve one's goal is a matter of sacrifice and love is the utmost reason why we are making them.

To be separated from our family is not easy. It takes a lot of courage, determination and self reliance. Faith in God is our strongest weapon to achieve such goals and dreams. Though we sacrifice,we cannot be assured that our dreams will always come true. Instead of success, we some times fail, our dreams get shattered and cause wounded hearts. But no matter the circumstances, trusting God is the best we can make of our time here on earth. There is no other way, because without God, we can do nothing. God knows the sacrifices and desires of our hearts. JESUS is always in our side to catch us if we fall, to encourage our demands and inspire our happiness, hold our hands and help us through every trial.

JESUS suffered endlessly on our behalf but nevertheless HE was victorious and saved the ones of us that would only live after his bidding's. His sufferings saved us from the bondage of sins. Being apart from our family might be a success or failure, but always know that GOD is so great and that he will help us in our times of need. His victory is our victory as well just like our is also victories also belong to him! GOD give hopes to those who dream and miracles to those who believe. He never let down those who trust and never leave those who walk with Him in his path. Put God on top of everything and let Him take charge of our plans. Then you will see how beautiful His ways are and His never ending love towards YOU!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Successful through life!

I want to live my life succesfully! But how and by what measurement is my life to be considered a successful one..? Can I ever change the path I've walked in the past? How can i face every difficulty in my everyday life without giving up..? How can I as a person appear in such a way that I can have a positive effect on the people surrounding me.. ?

These are some of the questions and difficulties that visit our everyday life.. Some times we give up just by thinking of them.. We let the overwelming challenge these questions represent take our spirit away and let ourselves fall back innto our previous potentialy destructive paterns.. Some days the wall of problems rising up in front of us make us just turn away without even trying..

However there is one solution through this that don't mean giving up.. We need to allow God to effect our every day life!

If my life would still go on without my faith in God, I know the everyday challenges would sometimes seem scary to me too.. But not annymore.. Since I accepted God as my heavenly father and as my everyday saviour, my life has become fundamentaly much easier..

Today me and my friends in the congregation (that I actualy recently joined) were gathered again after a long weeks waiting. Actualy this is sort of a houce meeting with a group of people belonging to another bigger one.. We need these gatherings to have someone to talk to of comon faith, but also then to be able to discuss what we read in our Bible and to experience the amazing power of God through beeing gathered "2 or 3 people" (bible promise).. Our reverend is of course essential to this picture, even though we perfectly well can gather also when he's not around.. However it's always good for us to have someone scholared in the Bible, to help us make "elephant" steps on our way to a bether understanding of the scripture..

The sad part besides this however is that alot of people never truly dare to try the lords ways.. They get afraid that someone would see them as freaks or think of them as lesser people because they dare to challenge their faith.. Instead they choose to continue living their lives in the way they probably feel in their hearts is not the right one..! You see, our success in life is not measured through how nice our houce is or how much money we got.. The true way to living a successfull life is to dare believing in God through his son Jesus christ! To actualy be so daring to take the first and secound and third step towards God and his grace..

But then again, however scholared you then might be among the scriptures of the Bible, there's one thing more important than annything else to bare in mind on our way to meet God.. We need to open our hearts and feel our own will to live after his.. We need to not just think it, but actualy feel and allow ourselves to truly believe in his existance.. THEN and ONLY THEN you can realy co-exist alongside God and be ready to truly feel his precense..

I implore every person that take his/her time to read this text, that you atleast as a courtesy or favour to yourself try living after what is written in the Bible.. Read your Bible and pray.. Open up your hearts to the words of God and I guarantee you, you will truly know how it feels to be successful through life!!

Friday 4 March 2011

There's noone of less worth!

We humans have a tendency to think of ourselves as more or less important than others.. We do this because the texture of society gives us the feeling of human worth in various degrees, this be through others accepting or rejecting us, bullying or praising us and the fact that we get effected by it.. What I then know as a Christian, I also want you to know..

The one I know to always see us all as equaly important is our lord God! He gave us in his love, his only son, to die for us and to conquer evil on our behalf! He didn't do this for just one or two or three of us! He did it for everyone of us! He did it to set an example for us to live up to!

We can never fully understand or live up to the life of Jesus Christ.. None of us can! But through him we have something to strive to achive.. Jesus told us; let the one that's without sin throw the first stone.. This way of thinking shows, there is noone that can be called better than others.. Not by us anyway, because that power rests with God and him only! That we belive in his grace and respect his power is then essential to how our lives will be measured in the end...

If we'll be carefull not to judge others and don't try to measure ourselves towards others, I guess we will find ourselves in the right path, but the answer is to always appear humble, because God can see our every move.. Always be aware of that and you will all be truly blessed in the time of reconing!